
Get our solar pool heating report now!

How to Heat Your Swimming Pool to 26-30°C from April-November with a Solar Installation that Pays for Itself!

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A taste of what’s inside the report!

  • Love to heat your swimming pool but worried about electricity bills?
  • Using the FREE heat of the sun must be the cheapest way to heat my pool, right? Wrong! Discover the hidden costs with solar thermal heating.
  • The reason why an isolated solar panel + heat pump system won’t work to heat your pool.
  • The reason why you think solar pool heating is too expensive. (And why you’re not wrong… until you discover the ‘Full Solar’ system.)
  • Find out the most cost-effective way to get 26-30°C pool water from April to November.
  • The secret to extend the swim season from April-November… with a system that pays for itself.
  • The truth about solar pool heating. HINT: professional installers have lied to you about the temperatures you’ll enjoy.
  • The #1 cost you can’t ignore when considering solar pool heating. (If you don’t factor this in, you’ll leave your system to gather dust in the pool house.)
  • The #3 most important factors to a solar pool heating system you’ll actually use.
  • Why heating your pool all winter is not an option – unless you have an indoor pool or €1,000s to burn.

Download the Report Now!